I've also had Middle Child in Driver's Ed every morning at 630 for the last 6 weeks. Getting up at 545am makes this old girl super tired by 2 in the afternoon! Since turning 18 in December, Oldest Child can't decide whether he wants to live here or bounce between friends houses so he can feel "all growed up" and independent. Mostly we see him on Sundays when he decides he needs fresh laundry or a place to stay for the night. Youngest Child is growing like a weed and learning to keep up with the big boys. Oh, that mouth on him.... *sigh*
I've spent the last couple of months trying to expand my menu, too. I haven't done anything whacky, no wild meals or weight gains, I've just been in sort of a...rut...because I'm so limited with what I can have any more. The one thing that really gets me is what I am able to eat tonight will NOT be possible to have as leftovers tomorrow. I was starting to get frustrated and to a point that I absolutely hated the thought of having a meal. That's not good. So I started baking more, which the boys like, because that means Mom is making treats! *LOL*
I've added to my non-GMO "clean eating" menu, which now consists of: chia seeds, quinoa (pronounced Keen Wah for those of you that haven't enjoyed this tasty grain yet), hemp hearts, maca root powder, wheat germ, and...yesterday I found Coco Hydro at my health food store, which is dehydrated coconut water (super for replacing your electrolytes, maintaining metabolic balance, and keeping those digestive issues under control). I really love drinking coconut water, seriously I could drink 2-3 cans every day, but a 12 oz can for $3 is really out of my budget. This Coco Hydro is $10 for a 9.7 ounce bag that, when re-constituted, makes 1.5 gallons. I especially love that I only need 1tsp at a time to get what I need for the day. Makes me feel good inside AND I love knowing that I spent my money wisely.
I thought I'd share a recipe with you today. This pretty drink is my Blueberry Muffin Smoothie that I came up with just this morning. I haven't seen a recipe out there in Blogland like mine, but there may very well be, so please don't stumble across my blog and think I've snagged your drink.
Blueberry Muffin Smoothie
1 ripe banana
1 cup frozen non-GMO blueberries
1 pinch of chopped, frozen spinach (about the size of a nickel or quarter)
1 Tbsp local honey
1 tsp CocoHydro
1 tsp chia seeds
2 tsp hemp hearts
1 tsp wheat germ
1/4 c 2% milk or almond milk
4-5 ice cubes
Blend well & enjoy! Right there in one 9 oz glass is more protein than a 10oz steak, vitamins A, D, C, E, B, iron, potassium, magnesium, and I can tell you that I'm feeling more staying power...definitely a boost to my energy! I have other recipes that I'll share sporadically, but this one had to be shared today. It tastes like you're drinking a blueberry muffin & it's so good for you, how can you not try at least one?! *grin*
I'm in the middle of a ton of projects that I can't wait to share, though some will have to be held back until my Christmas in July swap partner opens her presents. Don't want to spoil the surprise. I'm also taking some time to teach myself how to crochet and once I get the hang of that, I'll start learning how to knook (knitting with crochet hooks). I also have learning to do tatted lace work on my list, but that's about a year out at this point.
Thanks for stopping by & have a great rest of your day!!