Geez, Wednesday already! Okay, so I missed posting yesterday. MIBAD! I have a really good excuse, um, I mean, REASON. My belated wedding anniversary gift arrived in the mail. Seasons 1-4 of Doctor Who on DVD. Chris won them for me on eBay before he left last weekend for his ride to California. He had hoped that they'd arrive in time for me to enjoy them while he was gone, but that didn't happen. Instead, they came just as I was leaving to pick the boys up from school yesterday.
There's nothing but reruns on the telly right now, and there's quite a few of these that I've missed, so I sat down with the munchkins and we watched the first DVD out of the 22DVD set. Three, one-hour episodes on the first one alone...what a TREAT! I'm jonesing for the David Tennant episodes, but I'll get through the first year of shows with Christopher Eccleston and I'll be okay. It's not like I don't LIKE CE, because I do. I really enjoyed him as the baddie in Gone In Sixty Seconds. I just like DT waaaaay more! *ROFL* He's ONE HOT SCOT! I mean, just LOOK at him!Who in their right mind can resist a man in a KILT?!?And those eyes. *sigh* Yummmmmmmmo...Okay, dry the drool of yer face & keyboard, then get back to reality, Fan Girl! *LOL*
This morning when I came home from taking the two oldest boys to school, I noticed my roses & thought I'd share them with you. Look how much they've done since Saturday's pictures... This is a bloom on Betty Boop that just opened. See what I mean about her color show? And here's how loaded down Lemon Drop is today. There are still OODLES of buds waiting to pop, but I can't see how the branches will support 'em all!
I'm off to get the boys from school now. May try to get a card or two made while they're doing their homework, we'll see. Thanks for stopping by & have a great rest of your day!
3 months ago
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