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26 August 2008

I needed a laugh today...

Can't really explain WHY, just know that I desperately needed a good giggle. One comedian that I can ALWAYS count on to have me spewin my Pepsi all over my 'puter is the ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham. He's added some new characters - Achmed the Dead Terrorist, Melvin the Superhero, Sweeeeet Daddy D, & Bubba J. I remember seeing Peanut for the first time, back in the late 80s & now have my entire family totally addicted to "Je-fuh-fuh". He has a new DVD coming out in November & we're totally stoked around here. Anyway, I did some YouTube surfing & here are some small clips. Maybe then you'll understand...(if you're offended by a little language, stop here.)

Peanut's Bad Hair Day...

"Jingle Bombs"

America's favorite "grumpy old man," Walter

Hope they made you smile, too...have a great rest of your day!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love Jeff Dunham - and his cast of fantastic characters! Recently I bought his two DVD's and have been laughing hysterically ever since. Can't wait for the new one to be released!

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